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HiFi Forum : Recent Site Outages and Downtime - 14 May 2006 |
Posted by fishsponge on 2006/5/15 14:53:03 (2396 reads) |
Between 09:58 and around 20:30 GMT, HiFiForum was offline and unavailable.
We do not yet know the root cause of the outage, but we are investigating the root cause, and taking measures to ensure this does not happen again.
HiFi Forum management apologies for the outage, and we hope no inconvenience was caused.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this outage, or would like to see more information, please discuss the outage in this forum topic: ... iewtopic.php?topic_id=430
Thanks again,
(Site Admin)
HiFi Forum : Recent Site Outages and Downtime - 21 and 22 Apr 2006 |
Posted by fishsponge on 2006/4/24 11:59:24 (2173 reads) |
Between 06:00 and 09:46 GMT on 21 April and between 10:25 and 20:24 GMT on 22 April, HiFiForum was offline and unavailable.
The first outage was caused by malicious Internet users gaining access to the system through some other users' out-of-date and exploitable PHP or CGI scripts and the second outage, was caused by an "out of memory" error on the web server, according to our ISP.
We are currently reviewing the situation with our ISP, and deciding on an action plan for moving forward. Whether this means working more closely with our existing ISP or finding a new ISP, i cannot say, but yesterday's 10 hour outage was unacceptable.
HiFiForum management apologies for the outage, and we hope no inconvenience was caused.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this outage, or would like to see more information, please discuss the outage in this forum topic: ... php?topic_id=409&forum=14
Thanks again,
(Site Admin)
HiFi Forum : HiFiForum Upgrade - 20 April 2006 |
Posted by fishsponge on 2006/4/21 10:26:16 (2237 reads) |
On 20 April 2006 (yesterday), HiFiForum was upgraded to the latest version of Xoops, and the latest version of CBB (the forum software).
This upgrade has fixed numerous security holes, and added a few new features. Hopefully, it has also fixed the "login timeout issue" that a few of you have been experiencing.
If you have any comments regarding the upgrade, please post them in the discussion thread on this topic, here: ... .php?topic_id=403&forum=2
(Site Admin)
General HiFi News : TAG-McLaren OUT, Audiolab BACK IN |
Posted by DevillEars on 2006/2/18 17:11:53 (3226 reads) |
The Audiolab brand, which was bought by TAG-McLaren some years back and re-branded as "TAG-McLaren", is now back in business.
The Asian-based multi-national, IAG, has acquired the facilities from TAG-McLaren - plus some of the key players - and re-launched the Audiolab brand.
Audiolab Website
Their two-channel audio line-up includes:
1) 8000CD Integrated Compact Disk Player
2) 8000S Integrated Amplifier (60wpc)
3) 8000Q Pre-amplifier
4) 8000P Stereo Power Amplifier (100wpc)
5) 8000M Monoblock Power Amplifier (125wpc)
The AV range consists, currently, of two items:
a) 8000AV AV Processor/Pre-amplifier
b) 8000X7 AV Power Amplifier (7x100watts)
In addition to these two ranges of audio electronics, it would appear that Audiolab will also begin dabbling in loudspeakers soon.
The Audiolab 8000A was THE integrated ampliflier in its price-range back in the mid-1990's - and deservedly so. A very well-engineered amplifier, it also had a neutral character that neither added nor subtracted from the signal fed to it.
All in all, a very welcome return after a fairly lengthy absence.
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