HiFi Forum Moderator Required!
Date 2006/1/10 9:34:48 | Topic: HiFi Forum
As you may have noticed, HiFiForum is starting to take off quite successfully and, as a result, my workload as moderator is increasing at the same rate.
For this reason, we are looking for active members of this site to become forum moderators! 
So, if you fit the following criteria, and feel you would like to take on a role of basic responsibility on hififorum, then please apply by Contacting us! 
- You must be able to visit the forum on a regular basis through the year (with exceptions for family occasions, celebrations etc...).
- You must try to read every post that is made in the forums you are moderator of. This isn't a *strict* rule, but obviously, if you miss something that is potentially offensive or rude, that's not good.
- You must be at least 18 years of age.
- You must not abuse your power by removing or editing posts because you "don't like them", or "they have a silly username".
I know it sounds like a lot to ask, but once you're used to it, it won't be that difficult. I'm not going anywhere either, i just need more people on board in case i miss something, or in case i cannot make it online for any reason.
The forums you are able you apply to moderate are:
- New Members/Introductions
- General Discussion
- General Hi-Fi Discussion
- Amplifiers/Receivers
- CD/SACD/DVD/Minidisc Players
- Home Cinema
- DAB/Analog Tuners
- Loudspeakers
- Turntables & Vinyl
- Cables & Interconnects
- Music
As mentioned above, to apply for the role of "moderator", please Contact us! 