How can I attach a file to a forum post?

Requested and Answered by Fishsponge on 26-May-2006 11:50

How can I attach a file to a forum post?

To attach a file to a forum post, follow these steps:

1. Either start a new topic in the revelant forum, or click the "Reply" button while viewing a particular conversation.

NOTE: You cannot attach any files to posts by using the "Quick Reply" box at the bottom of each topic. You must use the "Reply" button shown at the bottom of each post.

You should now be looking at the screen which allows you to make a posting.

2. Fill in the subject line, if it's not already filled in, and enter your reply in the "Message" area as you would normally.

3. At the bottom of the page, just above the "Quote", "Preview", "Submit" and "Cancel" buttons, you should see an "Attach File" text box with two buttons next to it - "Browse..." and "Upload".

4. Click the "Browse..." button and navigate through your computer to file the file you wish to upload.

NOTE: Only certain file types are allowed, and no files bigger than a certain limit are allowed either. These limitations are shown just below the "Attach File" text box. If you are unsure, continue anyway - The site will tell you if you cannot upload a particular file.

5. Once you have found your file, double-click on it to enter it's filename into the "Attach File" text box.

6. Now click the "Upload" button to send your file into a temporary staging area ready for when you submit your post.

7. As you can see, when the page refreshes, you should see your file shown just underneath the "Attach File" text box, with a "Remove" checkbox next to it. This checkbox can be used to delete the file if you change your mind and wish to submit the post with no attachment. To remove a file, simply check the checkbox and click on the "Upload" button again.

8. You can now repeat this process until you have uploaded all the files you need to.

NOTE: If you click the "Preview" button at the bottom of the page after uploading one or more files, your images will not be displayed. Do not worry, this is normal.

9. Once you have uploaded all of the files you need to, click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page to submit your post, along with all your attachments!

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