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Main : Loudspeakers

Category: Loudspeakers
Title: Incredible Merlin VSM MMe speakers  Popular  views:3024
Description   I just wanted to share a happy rant about my experience with a new pair of VSM MMe's. I've been into serious hi-fi (and a music lover) for many years and I just didn't think speakers could change a system this much.

There are no Merlin dealers over here and I originally came across VSMs back in 2004, when I managed to get hold of a second hand pair of VSM SEs. I fell in love with those and it was inevitable that I would upgrade at some point.

So I took the plunge and ordered a new pair of MMe's from the US. When they arrived, I knew they would need burning in, but the difference over the old SEs was dramatic even in the first hour. Much bigger, weightier sound, wider, more detailed, and just so, so sweet.

I now have well over 300 hours on the speakers and they have improved enormously on what I was hearing in the first week. I listen to an unusually wide range of music: from classical through jazz, folk, pop, electronic, dance, R&B and hip-hop. If there are good musicians behind the music, I usually like it.

The MMes seem to break all the rules by sounding breathtakingly detailed and airy, while also sounding incredibly sweet. Words really just don’t do the sound justice – I’ve heard top-end electrostatics and the MMes are right up there for delicacy and air. And if it's your thing, the soundstage is about 30% wider and much deeper. But now it's a believable place that's with you in the room, not just some impressive hi-fi artefact.

You know that over-used hi-fi mag phrase about speakers disappearing? When the music plays, the MMe's really do just disappear. The music has nothing to do with the speakers - it's just there in the room. Wall to wall, 3-dimensional and palpable.

But it's what MME's do for music, rather than hi-fi, that really strikes me after living with them for a two months. Music I know well suddenly has a new piano line, plain as day. And it's not just any old piano line, but piano being played with incredible emotion that just wasn't there before. Same goes for a favourite vocal at the beginning of a song - now there's a second voice quietly harmonizing, and very beautifully. I always thought you had to change your front end to get these kinds of changes.

I've always loved listening to the voices of talented female singers and, where the SEs were already remarkable, the MMe's take texture emotion and 'there-ness' to new levels. This is the kind of texture that is touchable and addictive. Lots of very late nights ...

I was told to expect deeper and more tuneful bass. It turns out this was a big understatement. Yes, the bass really is deeper, bigger, more tuneful and controlled than before, but now my system has rhythm and drive that it never had (I always thought my ageing CD player was the problem here). Suddenly, music makes sense as music - it all hangs together rhythmically and in every other way. It just sounds right and it makes you smile.

As for bass extension, there's a lot of talk online about a slight lack of weight at the bottom end. I'm probably using very different amps to most VSM owners, where fine valve amps are common. I use two big Meridian 557 amps running bridged mono and I guess they may play a part in this, with practically endless current and control. In my system the MMes go deeper than they should – very deep indeed and with absolute weight and conviction. This is all the scale I could want.

Anyway, time to stop ranting and sign off. If you have an older set of VSMs, get them upgraded! Or just take the plunge and buy the latest version. These speakers tick all the 'Hi-Fi' check boxes, but it's the way they play music that will make you happy and keep you up late at night.

SUMMARY: Incredible speakers at any price & ridiculously good at the US retail price. You\'ll soon hear why these speakers are class A recommended by Stereophile.
Review submitted: 2008/10/22

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