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Category: CD SACD DVD Players
Title: Technics SL-PG490
What are your opinions on the above single CD player? Please rate, and comment
Review submitted: 2003/11/24
Category: Miscellaneous
Title: Trichord Clock 2
My Trichord Clock 2 is fitted!
Fitting this little gizmo had proved beyond my limited skills and I'd had to wait for a social visit from a more electronically able friend to install the clock 2 into my CDP unit.
Once my friend had read the instructions it didn't take hime long to snip out the old crystal and related capacitors from my old Marantz CD63SE, before wiring in the new Trichord clock.
From the limited listening thus far, the clock 2 has definitely taken my CDP a step or two further in the direction of greater fidelity, with improvements noticable and certainly worthwhile for £50!!
The change in sound can best be summed up by talking about 'greater definition and detail'. This seems to benefit all frequency areas (bass, mid and trebble), essentially placing instruments and voices more in their own spaces, and making the air and gaps in between the spaces occupied by those instruments and voices more tangible.
In the past, I've noticed that this sort of improved resolution is achieved by some hifi components by sucking out the midrange. Thus the perceived improvements in 'resolution' can come at the expense of a reduction in natural warmth, leaving instruments more defined, but also 'thin' sounding.
NOT so with the Trichord Clock! From my listening so far I'd even go as far to say that if there is one frequency area that has benefitted the most from the more accurate clocking it the midrange. Female vocals last night were sounding very good. Very good and very natural - lacking much of the arguable tendency towards digital artifice that digital sources can sometimes suffer (even with MuFi upsampling and tube buffering!). This improvement I suppose one can put down to the more accurate digital timing that the Trichord Clock 2 provides: The more accurate the timing, the more accurate the digital stream for the DAC to decode.
I can see the changes brought by the Trichord clock 2 as only a good thing - I hope you find your clock 2 a similar step in the direction of greater fidelity.
And all for 50 quid (plus the price of a 'thank you' pint for my friend who did the fitting job).
And the overall timing couldn't be better - as a teacher I'm on half term this week, so loads of time to slump infront of my hifi and listen to some excellent (and well reproduced) music.
Devilears, thank you for the recommendation!
DocFoster |
Review submitted: 2005/10/24